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Privacy policy for SMACITE MOOC Platform Privacy policy All users


In order for you to access the SMACITE project's MOOC platform we need your explicit consent to our privacy policy. We collect and store user data, including names and email addresses. Access is limited to project partners, and users can request data corrections, deletions, or restrictions, impacting MOOC access. Please read the Full policy for all details.

Full policy

Privacy policy for MOOC

Please read this policy carefully

By selecting “I have read and I agree to the privacy policy for SMACITE MOOC platform”, I confirm that I agree to the privacy policy set-out below which governs the MOOC of the SMACITE project. In order to process the registration and have access to the MOOC, the collection and storage of personal data of the users is necessary. This personal data includes the names, surnames, and e-mail addresses of the persons concerned. Access to this information is strictly limited to the partners in the SMACITE project (see below). The persons whose personal data is collected via the MOOC, have the rights to contact us to have their personal data corrected or deleted or to object to the processing or have it restricted. Such requests for deletion or objections may lead to the removal of access to the MOOC. All personal data will be processed in accordance with the EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) which came into effect on the 25th May 2018. Such data will be retained for a period of 5 years after the end of the SMACITE project in order to comply with EU audit regulations.  If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at: If you wish to make an official complaint about the way the personal data has been processed by us, please contact the following organization: Hellenic Data Protection Authority, Kifissias 1-3, PC 115 23, Athens, Greece. Please note that this privacy notice is also subject to the terms and conditions of Moodle which is the learning management system employed by the MOOC of the SMACITE project. These terms and conditions can be seen at the following link ( 

SMACITE project partners: University of Patras, European Software Institute, University of Alcalá, Olympic Training and Consulting Ltd., Apro Formazione S.c.a r.l., Bulgarian Association of Software Companies, GAIA, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, University of West Attica, Universal Certification Solutions, European DIGITAL SME Alliance, Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri.

I have read and I agree to the privacy policy.